Active Ingredient: Propyzamide @ 500g/L
Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is for selective control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in Lettuce, Sports Turf, Home Lawns, Legumes Seed Crops and Pastures.
Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide is a 500g/L Propyzamide formulation, providing a highly effective pre and post emergent control of Winter Grass in Turf.
Rate of Application: Propyzamide 500
SDS: Propyzamide 500
Always read and strictly follow all information on product label.
Propyzamide 500 SC Herbicide
Witholding Period Details: Do not harvest, graze or cut for stock food or for seed for 25 days after application.
Similar or Equivalent: Kerb 500 Selective Herbicide (Dow) & Pronamide Selective Herbicide (Amgrow)